Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shooting Star

While we were out in Yellowstone, we were looking for an opportunity to photograph some different flora as well as fauna. Unfortunately there were many places that still had snow on the ground and with temps that fell into the low 30s or lower at night there were not a lot of wildflowers for us to photograph.

We did find a few over near Roosevelt Junction by the petrified tree, which always seems to be a bit warmer then many other places in the park. One of the flowers that we found was Dodecatheon more commonly referred to as shooting star. Shooting star is a member of the primrose family and it is found in meadows through out the park. It is one of the earlier blooming flowers, usually blooming in May or June.


  1. There may not have been a lot of wildflowers around but you certainly found a beauty in this Shooting Star.

  2. The shooting star looks like a swooping bird to me; maybe that's why it caught your attention, Ecobirder. Lovely flower.

  3. An old friend from my Idaho days called these 'Love Darts'--lovely.
