Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wordless - Horned Clubtail

Most clubtail dragonflies are found around streams and rivers. The clubtail nymphs typically require water with a lot of oxygen which you find only around running water. The exception to this are the pond clubtails, Genus Arigomphus. The pond clubtails in this part of the country consist of the lilypad clubtail and the horned clubtail, pictured above. Horned clubtails are often found perched on floating vegetation such as lily pads or floating algae mats. I photographed this one at the wetlands that overflow from Purgatory Creek


  1. Wonderful information! I'll be looking for clubtails in Ontario. :)

  2. Fabulous macro shot!! I love insects!

  3. Gorgeous shot! Clubtail? I have so many dragonflies here. If only I know their names...

  4. Great shot of the dragonfly!
    Interesting info also!

  5. Great shot of the dragonfly! Saw you on Camera Critters ... think I'll be a new follower!

  6. This dubtail you have identified is a real beauty. Thank you! Yesterday I was near a lake and fully enjoyed al the dragonflies flitting around. I know how hard it is to photograph them so I am even more impressed with this lovely photo.
