Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Popular Old Post

I was going through my stats on blogger the other day and found that my most popular post of all time is a Camera Critters post that I did back in December of 2008. The subject of the post was a group of coyote pups that we photographed on our Yellowstone trip back in 2007.
Even though the pups are very cute I could not figure out why this was my most popular post with almost 5 times more hits then the next most popular. Not only was this post the most popular of all time but it was also the most popular for the week and the month. I could not figure it out, especially since the post was so old. I figured maybe someone put up a link to it, so I did a Google search for coyote pups and found that these 2 pictures are the first two pics that Google has listed for coyote pups. So thank you very much Google. There are several other coyote pups pictures on the post so if you would like to see the original post I have linked it here.


  1. They are adorable and these pictures deserve to be at the top of Google's search list.

  2. Excellent photos of these cute coyote pups.
    I looked your older post. All photos are great.


  3. Amazing photos of these sweet pups!

  4. That's great Google promoted your photos! Those coyote pups are pretty adorable. And you got some great shots!

  5. Wow, that's wonderful about you and Mr. Google. You make a great pair. LOL
    No wonder, however. These coyote pups are just fabulous. I love all the photos on your Dec. 07 post, and I know you think people are stupid and thoughtless for getting too close.
    You're right. They are thoughtless, but perhaps more uninformed than actually stupid.
    I have experienced, but tried not to act upon, the feeling young wild animals awaken. It's "Babies! I want to cuddle them!" which is, indeed, thoughtless mostly because it's instinctive.
    When an instinct like "cuddle baby" is awakened, it takes over the thought processes, particularly reason.
    I'm not excusing the people who made the coyotes remove their pups, just trying to answer your question "Why?"
    You are right, however, and they are wrong. We all have to learn to let wild things be wild.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. What wonderful photos! That second one, made me laugh!!

  7. That second one is so wonder Google has it listed.

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