Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wild Lupine

Lupine is one of the earliest blooming wildflowers that we see around here. They usually begin to bloom in May and most of the flowers are gone before the end of June. They are also usually one of the first wildflowers to grow into a new area, such as a field that has been cleared or after a forest fire. Unfortunately it does not take them long to be choked out by other plants and grasses. So as our fire protection and suppression techniques have gotten better the amount of lupine out in the wild has decreased. Which has hurt species like the endangered Karner blue butterfly.


  1. The wildflowers are so pretty and I love the colour.

  2. I've seen this on blogs but without the info. Sad to read about the endangered Karner blue butterfly. BTW, your photo is very beautiful.

  3. wow, how beautiful - never seen a wild lupine before, thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful wild flower! Information about the lupine and the butterfly is fascinating.

  5. Lovely! Great photo and I enjoyed reading about the Lupine. I hope it makes a recovery so that we cam all keep enjoying beautiful photos such as this one.

  6. Beautiful shot and flower. If memory serves lupines played a pivotal role in an old Monty Python skit.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  7. What a beautiful flower. Wish I had some in my yard.
