Thursday, October 13, 2011

Falcon by Sheena Blackhall

Kek-kek-kek-kiak Kek-kek-kek-kiak

Sky-high on his cross of air,

His war cry, a dry clack,

Like an ack-ack gun.

Canyons of cloud above my probing stare,

The tiercel is circling the wood

Like a steel trap, poised to snap.

I am drawn by his lure,

Small tiger of the Heavens,

Hook-beaked spitfire splitting

The creamy silk of a summer's day,

Slitting the wind,

Winged scythe of a lightning fork

His taloned gauntlets

Spear through sheers of cloud,

A break-neck stoop

His guillotine swoop

Swift as a hit-man's kill

In down town world, New York.

Hedgerows are bulldozed.

Cities nest in woods.

Badger, and fox's home's a superstore.

A mortgaged temple of glass and masonry

Suburbs are serving writs through the peat bog door.


  1. perfect for SWF! Happy weekend! Hoping you can visit my skywatch post.

  2. I love to watch the raptors and they seem to do well in our piece of suburbia. Wide open areas run through our subdivision and the residence fee quail and other small birds, voles and other rodents inhabit the open areas as well. Lots to eat for wintering raptors.

  3. Wow, that last line is fantastic! And so terribly true.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Beautiful photo of a magnificent bird!

  5. Quite a capture! Happy skywatching!
