Monday, October 3, 2011

Red Columbine

Red columbine is a woodland perennial that is native to the eastern half of the United States. It is one of 60 to 70 species that is a part of the genus Aquilegia. The name Aquilegia is derived from the Latin word aquila which means eagle. Most of the flowers in this genus hang down and resemble the talon of an eagle.
The bell shape of the columbine flower attracts insects that have a long proboscis, or tongue, such as butterflies. It is also good at attracting humming birds. Because of this it is often found planted in butterfly gardens.


  1. Beautiful flower and your photos, too.

    Regards and best wishes

  2. Lovely photos! We had a patch of these on our farm when I was a kid. We called them Honeysuckle and we would bite those little tips off to taste the sweetness inside.

  3. I love columbines and this one has a pretty color. ^_^

    Ruby Tuesday

  4. It's color red is beautiful. I like the idea that it attracts humming birds. :)

  5. Ha - one of my favourite flowers and I never knew that meaning - makes sense!

  6. The shape of the flowers are so interesting.
