Tuesday, November 29, 2011

All in the Family

When most ducks and other waterfowl hatch the chicks are precocial. Precocial birds are birds that are born with their eyes open, covered in down feathers and able to leave the nest soon after they hatch. Some precocial birds, such as ducks, follow their parents for protection after leaving the nest but are able to find their own food. Other precocial birds, like grebes, need to rely on their parents for food and protection. Birds that are born blind and with out feathers, such as song birds, raptors and many others, are classified as altricial.


  1. Gorgeous bird and babies and what a fantastic capture! Love it!


  2. What a precious shot. I can just imaging a child standing there looking at this little family. Just too cute for words...and your capture is superb. genie
