Monday, December 26, 2011

Dot-tailed Whiteface

Dot-tailed whiteface dragonfly There is still quite a while before I will begin to see dragonflies here again in Minnesota. May is when I usually begin to see the first of them. The first ones that I will see, often showing up early in May, are the couple of types that migrate like the green darner and the variegated meadowhawk. The first non-migrating species that we see usually emerge at the end of May.One of those that emerge fairly early is the dot-tailed whiteface.
Dot-tailed whiteface dragonfly The dot-tailed whiteface is a member of the skimmer family. It is usually found in wetlands with standing or slow moving water. Ponds and slow moving streams with a lot of vegetation are usually were I see them. Often times they will perch on floating algae mats.

1 comment:

  1. Great captures! Already counting the days 'til spring.
