Tuesday, December 27, 2011


What is a wetland? In general terms a wetland is habitat where the soil is saturated with water on or just below the surface and is covered with vegetation that is adapted to the wet conditions. Here in Minnesota we have several different types of wetlands, including bogs, marshes, swamps, potholes, wet meadows and seasonal wetlands.
Unfortunately wetlands have typically been thought of as wasted land and have been drained or filled for development. Here in Minnesota over fifty percent of our wetlands have been lost. This is not only unfortunate it is also stupid and potentially disastrous. Wetland are vital to the health of our planet and to the continued existence of many species including our own. Wetlands help to prevent erosion and can help minimise flooding. Wetlands can filter out pollutants from the water and help to recharge the ground water that we use for drinking and growing crops. Wetlands also provide vital habitat for fish and other wildlife, including 43% of the endangered or threatened species in The United States. Fortunately many people have released the importance of wetlands and are working to protect or even restore them. You can help by finding out which politicians support environmental issues in your area then support them and vote for them. After all a tax cut is not so great if there is no planet left for you to enjoy it on.


  1. Beautiful captures as always! I do love the last one! Such a gorgeous flower! Hope you had a great Christmas!


  2. Wetlands are wonderful areas being such havens for wildlife - your capture of the lilly is just gorgeous - is it Amazonica Victoriana?? we have several in our Botanic Garden lily pond and it looks the same - ours open pink and then the next day turns white - or maybe it's vice-versa.
    Wishing you a very safe and healthy New Year!

  3. We have one wetland that I know of that I visit from time to time. Happy New Year!

  4. Beautiful photos and a very important message about conservation of the vital and essential wetlands...

  5. I walked past a wetland of Mangrove swamp yesterday, but didn't see any birds.

  6. Beautiful images and an important message. It's tragic what has happened to so many wetlands. I know people are doing a lot of work to restore them here in the Bay Area.

  7. Dear Ecobirder--this was a great article. At present I am trying to preserve my pond in Stillwater, MN. If you could please contact me I would like to talk with you about my conservation efforts and get your advice about going forward. Today I began the formal process--i.e. contacting Washington County Conservation and the DNR. Thanks in advance for any assistance you could offer. Please check out my website which is devoted to my pond's preservation.


