Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Wild Flowers of the Year

I spotted my first wildflowers of the year while I was out this afternoon. They look like they are part of the violet family. Many of the violets bloom early but it is unusual to have much of anything blooming in March. Last year at this time we still had several feet of snow covering the ground.


  1. I love their colour, so pretty!

  2. My neighbor has these Wood Quill flowers by his back door. They are so pretty!

  3. our crocuses are done. our vinca vine and scilla are blooming. our tulips are about a day away from opening. the magnolia tree on the corner is in full bloom and the petals are starting to drop. a very unusual spring.

  4. Nice photography, where can I learn these type of photography ?

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  5. This is not a violet, but Scilla siberica, Siberian squill, a non-native that is becoming invasive in Minnesota.
