Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Northern Cardinal

This time of the year is fun and exciting, if you happen to live in a northern climate. After several months of winter, with very few birds to photograph, you get an explosion of life. Each morning you wake up to birds singing outside the window. Most of those birds are males. In most species it is the male that does the singing. However both the male and female northern cardinal sing. Even when on the nest the female will sing. Her song is often longer and more complex then her male counterpart.


  1. WoW, great image, one was all you needed!! she is beautiful!!

  2. Awesome!
    Happy World Bird Wednesday!

  3. Interesting info and a neat picture to illustrate. I agree, it's a good time to be birding in the Northern Hemisphere!

  4. Beautifully captured! Love that beak!

  5. A stunning image... Your cardinals are lovely birds to see.

  6. Great photo and interesting information about which bird does the singing.

  7. love the photo, we have lots of birds returning to the garden

  8. Wonderful photo of the cardinal!

  9. Interesting information. Maybe she is bored at sitting around and sings to break the monotony. Nice shot peeking out of the hole.

  10. Nice shot! I think the females are beautiful.

  11. I LOVE this shot! Her profile goes with the shape of the wood she's peeking around, the warm greys and her orange beak as a perfect spot of color...just such an excellent composition!

    Does her singing not attract predators to the nest?
