Tuesday, July 17, 2012

American Avocet

 American Avocet
The American avocet is a shorebird that nests in the wetlands of central North America. They can be found from New Mexico and western Texas in the south, north up into Canada. During the breeding season they become more colorful with some of their feathers become a salmon color. While they are on their winter grounds, in Florida, Mexico and parts of the Caribbean they are just black and white.  
The Picture and video were both taken at Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge in Montana in May.


  1. Lovely! I love birds and always want to learn more about them.

    I couldn't get the sound to work on the YouTube video you posted.

    Chris H
    ABC Wednesday
    A is for Avogadro's Number

  2. Beautiful...never seen one, but would love to.

    abcw team

  3. I haven't seen one, but it reminds me of our lapwing.

  4. I will say that you have the photography of our avian friends down pat! Beautiful!!

  5. Love the Avian photo. You always come up with the perfect shot for the letter.

  6. I have an outfit with brown, white and black, but have never looked as elegant as that lovely bird.

    Beautiful shot. I couldn't get the video to work. Check it out later.

  7. Petty bird beautifully captured. The UK black and white avocet is the emblem for national bird protection organisation, after dying out its return to our shores in the 1940s was a great success story for conservation so I have a soft spot for them.

  8. I'm not familiar with the avocet, but I live these pictures and the striking colors and markings it has. I wouldn't have thought of a shorebird in New Mexico.

  9. Hi there - splendid picture - this bird looks like a combination of the pure black and white birds I saw in the UK and the red-headed one we get in Australia.
    I thought I’d let you know that I stepped into the void caused by Springmans decision to close down World Bird Wednesday by setting up Wild Bird Wednesday (!) on my photoblog at Paying Ready Attention – Photo Gallery.

    Feel free to visit and link.

    Stewart M - Australia

  10. What a beautiful bird ! I have never seen such !
    ABC Team

  11. What an unusual shore bird, pretty rare I would guess. Beautiful picture and what luck that you would run across one in it's wonderful mating colors. This was quiet a treat ... thank you!

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. What a beautiful bird! Interesting beak and lovely markings. Visiting from WBW.

  13. Such a beautiful little wader!

  14. Beautiful shots of this bird!
