Sunday, July 29, 2012

Phantom Crane Fly

 Phantom Crane Fly
The phantom crane fly is a member of the Ptychopteridae family. They are usually found around wetlands where they lay their eggs. The larva are aquatic and live for about a month before they form a pupae, which they emerge from about 10 days later. In flight the phantom crane fly extend its legs allowing it to float on the wind kind of like a hand glider.


  1. Lovely, delicate looking creature. Interesting post.

  2. Wonderful, just wonderful!!!

  3. Around here we also call them mosquito killers. Not sure if they really do or not.

  4. Wow, you really have captured this phantom crane fly. At first I thought it was a spider. Amazing photos on your blog.

  5. Excellent photo ~ and wonderful info ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)
