Monday, August 20, 2012

Tuesday Tweets

Common Yellow Throat
Common Yellowthroat

Welcome to Tuesday Tweets! To join in the fun just post a photo of a bird and then link it by here by using the handy dandy link below. Then make sure you visit other sites to do a little bird watching.


  1. Lovely little guy. Last year I was getting ready to go out and put the buffet out for my feathered friends and before I went out the door I looked down and there was a common yellowthroat sitting on the ground. He stayed for around 10 minutes and then off he went. A real treat for me in the middle of the city!

  2. Had one visit my meadow for a few weeks this summer!! A first! But I was only able to enjoy its presence, no photo opportunities presented themselves! Great shot! ~karen

  3. What a beautiful bird. I have never seen one here in England so thanks for sharing.
