Sunday, August 26, 2012

Twelve-spotted Skimmer

Twelve-spotted Skimmer

One of the most common dragonflies in this area is the twelve-spotted skimmer. This large skimmer is often found around ponds and lakes where there is very little water movement. It is easily identified by the 12 dark spots on its wings, each of the four wings has three spots. This a mature male of the species. Mature males can be distinguished from the females and immature because they have white spots in between the black spots on the wings.


  1. Beautiful picture! I like the sunlight reflections on the eyes ... great macro shot.

  2. A very intereting dragonfly! Havenät seen anything like that here in Sweden or Europe!

  3. Interesting spot on the wings. I haven't come across such a dragonfly around our parts.

  4. Another great photo shot ~ You find the most interesting beauties in Nature ~ Carol (A Creative Harbor)
