Sunday, September 16, 2012

Orange Flower

 I have no idea what type of flower that this is. I see them all over in gardens but when I went online to try and identify it I could not find anything. The closest things that matched are the orange cone flower, which looked different in the middle, and possibly a form of tithonia, but they are more of a bushy plant and usually grow in the southwest. Maybe one of you can help me out and identify this type of flower.


  1. I would have guessed that it was a Tithonia Rotundifolia but thats the only Mexican Sunflower I know of I hope somebody can give a better identification as it is a wonderful colour. I've just joined up as your newest follower.

  2. I have no idea about what flower it is - but it is very beautiful in both it's colour and composition. Thanks for sharing it on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  3. Lovely shot, very clear and good composition. Lovely

  4. Beautiful and vibrant color!

    Visiting from MOM- hope you can stop by..

  5. Wonderful color of the season. Thanks so much, such a delight for the eyes.
