Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Sand-hill Crane by Mary Austin

Sandhill Cranes in Flight
 WHENEVER the days are cool and clear,
The sand-hill crane goes walking
Across the field by the flashing weir,
Slowly, solemnly stalking.
The little frogs in the tules hear,
And jump for their lives if he comes near;
The fishes scuttle away in fear
When the sand-hill crane goes walking.

The field folk know if he comes that way,
Slowly, solemnly stalking,
There is danger and death in the least delay,
When the sand-hill crane goes walking.
The chipmunks stop in the midst of play;
The gophers hide in their holes away;
And 'Hush, oh, hush!' the field-mice say,
When the sand-hill crane goes walking.


  1. Lovely writing to go with a great photo, thanks for sharing with SWF

  2. Birds in flight, lovely capture and what a beautiful poem!

  3. I love the grace and beauty of the Sandhill and you certainly capture it in your picture ... your poetry paints a different side. A side that nature features everyday ... one that is hard, painful and sad. But the truth lies in the need to keep the balance ... each does his part whether our hearts can bear it or not. Thank you for your honest portrayal of nature as your talent seems endless ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. Beautiful!
    Happy Sky Watch Friday!
    Lea's menagerie
