Tuesday, November 6, 2012

TRC 2013 Calendar

Whisper the Barn Owl
This year I have worked to put together a calendar for The Raptor Center, as I have for the past few years. The calendar features many of our education birds, such as Whisper who was the featured bird for October 2013. The calendar also has pictures of birds being exercised with our flight crews, and birds being released back to the wild. I also intersperse the calendar with some of my wild raptor photos so that people can see some of the birds in their natural habitat. We also add a lot of information about the birds as well as the different species of raptors. The calendar is a bit more expensive then the cheap calendars that you can find at stores but all the proceeds go to help The Raptor Center treat and rehabilitate between 600 to 800 raptors each year. If you are interested you can purchase a calendar online here

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