Monday, December 10, 2012


 Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's. Well yesterday Caesar rendered unto us. Winter storm Caesar, they name winter storms like hurricanes now, hit the Twin Cities and rendered us with 12 to 18 inches of snow in less then 24 hours.
Most cities in the US would shut down for days if they got dumped on like that but this is Minnesota. Some schools delayed their start for a couple of hours this morning but otherwise life goes on as usual. Except that it takes at least twice as long to get any where. I went out for a walk around Lake Como for lunch and brought my camera so that I could get pictures of Caesar's wake.


  1. Beautiful, snowy captures!! Reminds of when I lived in Montana -- a big dump of snow never stopped us either. Have a great week!

  2. Wow! Fantastic photography ~ lots of snow ~

    (A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMusedog and Carol ^_^

  3. That much snow would certainly bring London to a halt. Love those beautiful photos.

  4. The photos are beautiful! I have seen that much snow only once during my lifetime here in Alabama.

  5. How gorgeous! I know you will probably be sick of snow by February, but to me, here in the heat of the Australian summer, that looks like bliss.

  6. Picture postcard perfect of the snow and the blue sky!

  7. That looks real cold, but so wonderful in photographs! I haven't seen snow like these, you know! LOL

  8. Your comments about parts of the USA shutting down cause of snow made me chuckle. We are terrible in the UK, snow like would have the whole place grinding to a halt for DAYS!


  9. I love snow - and your shots are wonderful!
