Saturday, January 26, 2013

Aplomado Falcon

Aplomado Falcon
The aplomado falcon is a falcon that is found in the open grasslands and savannahs of southern Mexico, Central and South America. At one time their range extended north through Mexico and into parts of the Southwestern United States. Unfortunately in the 1930's these birds all but disappeared from the northern portion of their range. In the United States they are listed as endangered and found naturally only in parts of south Texas. Reintroduction programs began in Texas as early as the late 1970s. Hundreds of captive breed falcons have been released in south Texas, however getting to see these falcons in the US is still a rare treat. We have been to south Texas three times now and we have only had an opportunity to see Aplomado falcons on our first trip, back in 2004. This picture is not very good. The sky was over cast and the pic was taken on film and then scanned but I am still happy that I have a reasonable photo of this pair of rare endangered raptors.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, they are serious stunners. Nice!

  3. Coincidentally I just learned about these birds this week when one visited our condo in Texas! I posted a couple of pictures today. Thank you for all the good information you share on your blog. Sue

  4. I recently read that they released a few a couple of months ago on Mustang Island just a few minutes' drive from my home...never did go to watch the release....but I would dearly love to find one and get a picture!!

  5. I guess, as the weather changes, bird habitats change. - Margy

  6. Intriguing facial features and feather design on this interesting bird! Lovely photo!

  7. Love the markings of these birds. Glad that you were able to capture this pair and share with us.
