Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler
 The chestnut-sided warbler is a colorful mid-sized warbler that lives in North, Central and South America. They get their name from the maroon patch of feathers on the side of their bodies. The only other warbler that has this color feather on their bodies is the bay breasted warbler but the male bay breasted has the same color on its face. The female bay breasted does not have a maroon face, like the male, but can be distinguished from the chestnut-sided because she does not have the bright yellow cap.
Chestnut-sided Warbler First Year Bird
Chestnut-sided warbler breed in the north eastern half of the U.S. and the south eastern half of Canada. They tend to nest in second growth deciduous woods. The nest is cup shaped and it is usually placed in a bush. Chestnut-sided warblers nest in the north east corner of Minnesota, which is where I photographed this first year bird. They migrate down to the tropical forests of Central America and northern South America for the winter. During the winter they will mix with flocks of tropical warblers often returning to the same flocks year after year.


  1. Beautiful birds and so colourful. Greetings from Poland.

  2. Stunning colors on this little beauty.

  3. Color me filled with jealousy here!!! Great images of the warbler. So far, in the line of warblers [they're difficult to photograph] around my neck of the woods is yellow-rumped. I'd love to see one of these.

    Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot for the weekend.

  4. Great serie of photos. Cute birds!

  5. Nice shots of this pretty little bird!

  6. Such a sweet little creature.

    Visiting from Misty's Camera Critters.

  7. Incredibly colourful bird! Such strong contrasts of colour! Delightful photos!

  8. This is a beautiful bird and wonderful shots.

    I can't wait for them to migrate. We see them down here when they are migrating!

    Oh my your shots are always so so wonderful!!

  9. Your photos are amazing, so clear and such amazingly close up shots of the little birds. You have captured their brilliant colors quite well.
    Always enjoy stopping by your blog.

  10. What a cute little bird with so beautiful colors! And perfect captured!
