Sunday, February 10, 2013

Least Skipper on Milkweed Flower

Least Skipper on Milkweed Flower
The least skipper is a small grass skipper that is found in the eastern United States and south eastern Canada. It is the smallest skipper in North America. Their range extends west to about the middle of the US. They are usually found in wet habitats that have tall grass. Places like marshes, and the edges of ponds, lakes and streams are great places to look for these small butterflies. They look very similar to the European skipper, which is an invasive species that is also found in the eastern half of North America. The hind wing of the least skipper is more rounded and the wing veins are more pronounced then those of the European skipper. The least skipper also has longer antennae that are black and white striped where the European skipper has shorter orange and black antennae. Least skippers are nectar feeders. They often feed on smaller flowers then many other butterflies do including different species of clover and vetch. In this case this butterfly has found the only open bloom on this milkweed plant.


  1. Fantastic shot. Hope you'll find time to visit my entry.


  3. woops!! sorry about the above comment....meant to say:
    Really nice macro!!

  4. Skippers is hard to photograph your shot is awesome!


  5. Great composition and I love the unusual colour. And of course the butterfly is very pretty! Thank you for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

  6. A lovely combination of flower and butterfly, and a superb shot!
