Friday, February 1, 2013

Wading Birds

There are many species of birds that can be quite territorial. Some species are territorial all of the time while most species are territorial only during the breeding season. Many species of wading birds are not territorial at all. In the picture above there are 3 different species all feeding together. The larger white birds with the pinkish red beaks and legs are white Ibis, the two with white and black backs and brownish heads are American avocet, and the small black and white bird is a black-necked stilt. Besides feeding together many of the wading birds nest communally with many nesting right next to each other. Often times two to 5 species will all be nesting in the same rookery.


  1. Nice picture indeed... I like your captures, they look so natural.

  2. lovely composition of birds here...

  3. Fabulous to see so many kinds all together! Yes, we can all get along ;>)....I haven't seen an avocet in way tooo long.
