Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Magnolia Warbler
Photographing warblers can be quite the challenge. These tiny little birds are constantly moving. Warblers like this magnolia spend most of their time fluttering from branch to branch gleaning insects from the trees. Fortunately because of the late winter the trees have not completely leafed out because once that happens the difficult becomes the near impossible.


  1. Beautiful picture and great catch. I can commiserate with you over the difficulty of photographing Warblers. We only get them here as they pass through on their migration so our opportunities are fleeting. Add that to the "can't sit still" feature and you have frustration. But, once in awhile, I get lucky ... like you have here.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  2. Yes.. We had some snow here too... I need to learn more about warblers... Michelle
