Monday, May 13, 2013

Warbler Wave Crashes on Crosby Park

Blackburnian warbler
Well the wave of warblers that I have been hoping for this past month finally hit this weekend. Even though it was a bit chilly it was sunny and the warblers were out in force. It was a perfect weekend for photography. Because of our late winter the trees are just starting to leaf out which makes photographing these tiny little birds a lot easier.
Black-throated Green Warbler
The last time that we had a warbler wave was back in 2011. During that wave I photographed many of the different species at the Minnesota Valley Refuge and Crosby Farm Park. So on Friday, after I left work, I headed over to Crosby. The woods were thick with the common warblers, yellow-rump, palm, black and white and yellow, but I also managed to find some of the sexy warblers, like magnolia, black-throated green, Wilsons, blackburnian and more. Crosby is an excellent location to find warblers during spring migration because much of the park is wooded flood plain which is excellent habitat for wood warblers. The park is also along the Mississippi River which is the path that the warblers in this area take to migrate, the Mississippi flyway.


  1. Great shots of such pretty little birds.

  2. Both are beautiful but my favourite is te first with the strong colours and tone against the plain grey background. Quite dramatic - and very pretty too.

  3. You got some beautiful warbler photos-- this morning my Blackburnian did not pose nicely! Love the Red-headed Woodpeckers and maybe some Day I'll get a decent shot of those.

  4. beautiful shots. I love the Warblers, dont see anything like that here. I am sure out in the country there is a lot more opportunity
