Saturday, May 11, 2013

Warblers Everywhere

Blackburnian Warbler
I have spent most of the past couple days out photographing warblers. In years that we have winter that lasts  longer then normal we often have a week or two of great warbler opportunities. The warblers usually begin to migrate through at the beginning of May. Usually it is the yellow-rumps that come first and they are the species that we see the greatest numbers of. Usually it is the end of the second week that we see the sexy warblers, like the blackburnian above. So far this year there are still a few species that I hope to see but have not spotted yet but tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day weather wise so I still have a chance. Even if I do not see all the species I have had some great opportunities to photograph most of the species which is a lot better than last year. In 2012 winter was over in March. When the warblers came through in May the trees all had leaves and there were plenty of insects to eat up on their nesting territories up north so I only was able to photograph yellow butts.  


  1. Alert little bird is posing for you. Such clear colors.

  2. Pretty little bird! Good luck today.

  3. So love this post! Love your description of these little characters! This one is very beautiful!

  4. Lovely reflections, great photo!

  5. ...and I think they're one of the prettiest of the warblers. Don't you think?

  6. A beautiful little bird!

  7. Enjoyed this post - thanks for sharing.

  8. One of my favorite birds. Still have not seen one this spring here in NE Illinois, but haven't gotten out as often as I would like.
