Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Northern Parula

Northern Parula
 The northern parula is a small American wood warbler. In mixed flocks they are usually one of the smallest birds with kinglets typically being the only smaller species. They breed in the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. They winter in southern Florida, Caribbean, and Central America.
Northern Parula
 The northern parula breed primarily in forested habitat. The build pendulum styled nest from hanging vegetation. Birds in the north tend to use beard moss or coniferous twigs for nest construction while southern populations tend to use Spanish moss. In the middle, the southern Great Lakes region, northern parula do not breed. It is possible that this is because most of the habitat in these areas lack of epiphytes, plants that grow on other plants, that they look for to build the nests.
Northern Parula
These birds were all photographed during migration. The top two were photographed near my home in southern Minnesota in May. Northern parula only nest in north eastern Minnesota where there are a lot of boggy areas that have trees with moss growing on them. The bottom shot was taken on South Padre Island in Texas. Northern parula do nest in east Texas but not usually that far south. This little water fountain was a first stop for many birds after making the long flight across the Gulf of Mexico.


  1. Stunning little birds to see... lovely images

  2. What a lovely little bird, and great captures of them! I love the fluffy details.

  3. I've said it bbefore, but those descriptors make you a PRO at our game.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Waht a beautiful little bird. I know about the Northern Parula because I learned it's song on one of my bird tapes, but had never seen one. I didn't realize what I was missing ... wonderful pictures EB ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. I've never heard of this eastern bird with the northern name, and, like Andrea, didn't realize what I was missing. I love these photos, especially the second two...the bathing shot is perfect.

  6. This is a very exquisite bird with beautiful colours. It's a pity it does not live in my part of the world!
    Good choice!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  7. I haven't ever seen one of these birds that I know of, but probably they would just be passing through the Mississippi flyway in migration if I ever did see them...

  8. A greed with others, a lovely bird. It looks like the yellow mark on the back is typical for Parula species as I have seen the Tropical Parula with the same mark.... Lovely post

  9. Hi Fantastic little birds to see and great shots of them
