Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cinnamon Teal

Cinnamon Teal
The cinnamon teal is a colorful duck that is found in the western portions of North and South America. It is the only duck that has separate breeding populations on each of the continents. In North America they breed in the western United States and Mexico. Their breeding does not extend as far east as most other species of western ducks, ending before the center of the US. In South America they breed primarily in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Most of the birds that breed in the US migrate to Mexico or the California coast for the winter. Most the birds that breed in Mexico and South America are year round residents of theri breeding ground. 
Cinnamon Teal
As with many species of ducks the male cinnamon teal is much more colorful then the female. The ducks in the photos above are both male. The female is a mottled brown with a brown eye color. The female looks similar to the females of many other species of ducks. The reason that females are not as bright as the males is because they need to blend in while they are on the nest. The cinnamon teal nest on the ground near the water. The nest is covered from all sides by vegetation hiding it from predators on the ground and in the air. The female helps keep the nest hidden by accessing it through tunnels in the vegetation. Clutch size is about 4-15 eggs. The young leave the nest for the water with in days of hatching.


  1. Beautiful colors you caught!

  2. Beautiful colors you caught!

  3. A very regal duck. I like the name Cinnamon teal.

  4. Wow, what a beautiful duck ... I didn't even know he existed. I love this meme because I learn so much. Thank you for the pictures and the information, Ecobirder ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. This is am absolutely gorgeous duck. Wonderful coloration. You give us some of the most interesting pictures and you always teach us something new. Thanks so much.

  6. Didn't Neil Young write a song about this?

  7. This duck has some of the most beautiful coloring.

  8. what an absolutely gorgeous duck! thanks for sharing!

  9. I love that first shot. Beautiful birds and beautiful photos.

  10. You have some wonderful shots. I really like the action of the first one. - Margy

  11. What a beautiful bird, and your photos are just wonderful. I agree with Margy, the first one is remarkable.
