Wednesday, June 18, 2014

White-eyed Vireo

White-eyed Vireo
The white-eyed vireo is a small passerine that breeds in the south eastern United States. They are typically found in scrub where they can often be seen hopping between branches gleaning insects from the bushes. They will also some times eat fruit. During the winter they migrate to their southern wintering grounds in Mexico, Central America or the Caribbean. I photographed this bird on South padre island. The South Padre Convention Center had a small garden with a man made stream running through which attracted many birds who had just made a long flight over the Gulf of Mexico. 


  1. Pretty little bird! Very clear shot.

  2. Beautiful photo of a lovely little bird.

  3. Really sweet shot of this bird. I've only seen it once and when I did, it was rather high up in the tree. Great bird!
