Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eastern Kingbird


~sWaMpY~ said...

There are some absolutely awesome photographs here ! Love the slide show. Makes me want to say, "Tweet. Tweet.Tweet."
Now I know where to come when I have a question about the names of birds who frequent my place.

troutbirder said...

Nice shot Eco...

abeachcottage said...

Beautiful shot! Love it.

Janet Marie said...

breathtaking pic of the eastern kingbird - gorgeous!

Jen said...

Very nice!

Dave Dorsey said...

Nice photo! Happy WW!

catsynth said...

Nice photo with a very dignified pose!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

What a great pic of a bird! The white on it's chest looks so bright!! We have 2 baby eagles again on our golf course way up high in the pine trees - so much fun to see them bopping around in those huge big nests! Happy WW!

birdermurdermama said...

If only we all observed Wordless Wednesday and instead focused on listening and looking! A picture is truly worth a thousand words.

Miki said...

Is it possible that one of these was in my backyard (St Paul) this past week (last week of March)? I saw a slightly-smaller-than-a-robin-sized bird take off from the ground - dark/almost black on top and white on the bottom. At first I thought it was a dark eye junco, but it really was much too large....

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