Friday, May 13, 2011

Four-spotted Skimmer

Critters come in all shapes and sizes and my goal is to try and photograph them all, at least all of them in North America. I am sure that I will probably not have the time and resources to accomplish my goal but it sure is fun trying. So far the I have photographed mammals as large as giant humpback whales in Alaska and California and small insects like bees, beetles, butterflies and dragonflies that I can find right outside my door.

Over the past few years dragonflies have become on of my favorite subjects, along with birds. Last year I pushed my hobby of photographing dragonflies a bit further and got involved with the Minnesota Odonata Survey Project. I have helped to survey dragonflies in about 10 counties through out the state and have even purchased a net so that I can capture specimens, the dragons that I capture I typically release after I get some close up macro pictures.

This dragonfly is a four spotted skimmer. A fairly common member of the skimmer family that is usually found around ponds, lakes and other wetlands. If you think that you might have seen one of these around your home in Europe, Asia, Northern Africa, or Japan you may be correct because this species is circumpolar. Even though it is nice that I do not have to go far to photograph a dragon that can be found across the ocean I hope that some day I will get the chance to photograph them in a more exotic locale.


  1. Great shots, I love the transparent wings in the 2nd pic!

  2. That second shot just blew me away. What fabulous opalescence in the wings.

  3. Yes, the second photo is classically beautiful, but the first one made me laugh. The skimmer looks like it is having a conversation with the plant.
    Great photos!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Great. Never seen anything as sharp and beautiful as these images. Would like to say well done, but no one but you know what is well done.
    I can say - like your blog very much.

  5. Your photography is amazing. It is wonderful to see these creature so magnified and intimately.

    My Camera Critter post is at:

  6. This is a wonderful blog. So full of information and fantastic photography.

    I was excited to find it as I am an artist with Project Art for Nature her in MN and WI. My focus at the moment is on birds - right now, cranes and herons are holding my fascination to become subjects for my paintings.

    I have some questions for you but could not find an email. perhaps you could contact me. You can find my art and information on my blog.
    Thanks! Hope to hear from you.

  7. Hi

    I really like the shot of the face in the first photo.


  8. I think dragon flies creep me out a bit...probably because I don't ever see many.
