Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dragonfly Eyes

Cobra Clubtail Macro
Dragonflies have amazing eyesight. Their compound eyes are made up up to 30,000 different facets called ommatidia. Each ommatidia is made up of lenses that are attached to sensory cells. Since the facets are pointing in multiple directions the dragonfly has almost a 360 degree field of vision. Besides an expanded field of vision the dragonflies compound eyes can see into the ultraviolet spectrum, detect the plane of polarization of light with out sunglasses, and process movement faster then we can. I guess that when you are mostly devoid of other scenes your prevailing sense, in this case sight, evolves and becomes enhanced.  


KaHolly said...

What an amazing shot!

Tammy said...

Interesting info and cool photo!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Incredible! I have no idea how you are able to get so close to your subject to get an amazing macro like this.

Katrin Klink said...

That's really amazing. And the colors!

Rollercoaster Mum said...

Stunning picture - if slightly scary!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Great job getting this shot!

-Ryan said...

Stunnig shot and I learned something new!