This time of the year is very much like a sunset. The holidays are the bright colors that light up the sky just before the sun sets on another year. This may be the end of 2010 but 2011 is just beginning, like a
beautiful new sunrise full of new promise.
Thank you for such a lovely post, gorgeous photo and wise words to wind down 2010! And you're right, the lovely dawn is indeed, like the new year, beautiful and full of promise! Wishing you and your family a very Happy, Beautiful, Prosperous New Year!
You've shared a beautiful sunset and, with your analogy, captured the sense of closure with the promise of new beginnings. Very nice!
Beautiful photo. I've been looking at others on your blog, and enjoying what you have here. :)
Beautiful Sunset Photo.
Have a Happy Birdwatching New Year.
What a gorgeous sky!!
this is just dreamy. the very last of the day's light - beautiful. what a show.
Well said and well captured, fabulous views to be celebrating New Years and Sky Watching.
Gorgeous photo!
so beautiful...the color, reflections, texture...gorgeous! Happy New Year:)
My Dear!
Thank you very much for your visits and comments during 2010.
Thanks cause I learned many subjects of photography with you and all the coleagues of SKYFRIDAY!
Have a nice evening and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I HOPE WE CAN CONTINUE TOGETHER IN 2011..http://graceolsson.com/blog/2010/12/believe-you-can-fly/
Nice way to end 2010. Happy New Year.
Joyce M
Wow - what a magnificent end to the year! Great shot.
nice sky view
happy new year
Brilliant, Vibrant, Amazing and so beautiful!!
Pixellicious Photos wishes you a very happy new year!!
Gorgeous colors in this sunset! Beautifully captured!
A beautiful picture to close 2010.
Best wishes to you and yours for 2011, and keep all those wonderful posts coming!
A lovely shot and words to close the year. I normally do not like "prints" of sunsets with so much orange, but your photo is a keeper! Have a lovely & happy new year. Faythe @GMT~
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