As one of my favorite subjects to photograph on the water there is little more that I can write about the pied-billed grebe that I have not already written about in the past.

I think that it is their small size that makes you want to take them home and have them live in an inflatable pool in the back yard. That would not be good for the bird though so you just have to
suppress those kinds of ideas and remember that it is much better to have a picture of them wild and free at Crex Meadows.

Besides Michelle already gives me dirty looks when I talk about getting a third cat.

I think that the best pied-billed grebe pictures are when you catch them in the
lily pads. It adds a little more character to the background of the picture then just plain blue water. If your lucky you might get a turtle to join in the shot, as in the first pic. Just be careful because pied-bills are usually kind of nervous so any small noise will cause them to sink under the water and disappear.
Yes, they look very cuddly. Lucky you got the turtle too!
They really are so cute, we have had a pair nesting in our dam in the Prof's park now for at least ten years except the year that all the dams dried out. This year the dam is running over and they were back again and raised two sweet little ones. So you see, I actually have them in my backyard.
Such a fascinating, cute little character! Almost like a colourful toy!
Your right, they are shy. If I spot them close enough to photograph they usually dive before I can get my camera out.
Awww...great shots. What a cutie!
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