I have a big project at work this weekend so I do not really have time to get creative with my Camera Critters post
this week. So I was hoping that you guys could help me out by suggesting a creative caption for the photo above. Please leave your suggestions in the comments below.
Wow.....really nice shot.
"Don't play with me"
"I was saving that for Christmas and you ATE IT!"
"Why didn't you tell me to use sunblock!"
Merry Christmas
Watch it, you may be bigger but I'm fluffier!
Great shot!
"Hey there, cutie!"
Cheers from Cottage Country!
"merry xmas, cant you hear me?"
"And I swear, the fish was this big"
"Pardon me, do you have any salt? That deer carcass over there is tasting a bit bland."
"My mother's coming for the holidays, and you're gonna LIKE it!"
too funny! "i say, finished your mailing?"
That's a great shot. :)
I had a caption but Frostbite and Sunburn already said it, so add a vote to theirs. LOL I would add the hawk saying "No Way!"
Gorgeous action shot! And love the captions so far here!
Here is mine:
"Life is about survival! SURVIVE!"
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