The hummers where very territorial with a lot of chasing each other over possession of the hummingbird feeder in the middle of the garden.
The new pool and landscaping is already home to a few frogs who were taking advantage of the sunny day.
Out in the fields the sparrows were sharing space with monarchs and dragonflies.
Over by the orchard I found this house finch dining.
While I walked the trails I took the opportunity to scout the banding nets. I found a few birds waiting impatiently to get out of the nets, and usually getting themselves more tangled, so I took their pictures and let the banders know.

While I was wondering I inadvertently ended up in a video that Sharon Stiteler, aka birdchick, was shooting. It was kind of funny to get home later that day and see myself on her blog. Here is the post with the video. I am the moron with the big camera.
With summer over I am not sure that I will get another chance to visit Carpenter while they band but I would certainly recommend it to anyone interested in birding. It is fun, interesting and the people at Carpenter are very friendly. For more information about carpenter check out their website http://www.carpenternaturecenter.org/
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