Friday, January 16, 2009

Purgatory Creek Butterflies

It looks like this winter is going to be a lot more like the winters that I remember as a kid then the ones that we have had for the past 10 years or so. For most of this week the temps have been below zero here, and that does not include windchill factors in the minus 20 to minus 40 range. Some of birders in the area like to hibernate when the temps get that low but I get bored sitting around the house too much and so I have been out birding on the days that I got out of work early enough. It is just a matter of dressing properly for the weather. Unfortunately the birds have not been that cooperative, they are probably smart enough to get out of the cold, and so the photographic opportunities this week has been kind of skimpy.
So I thought that I would post some colorful butterflies to help cheer people up.
The first two shots are pictures of a bronze copper, the first with wings folded and the second with its wings spread.
All of these pics where taken at Purgatory Creek back in August. The last three pics are monarchs.
I heard on the weather report that this cold front has extended down as far as Florida and Texas. I do not think that it will affect the migrant monarch population, which spend the winter hibernating in southern California and Mexico.
I miss color. During the winter things are so white around here. With white snow on the ground, white salt on the cars, white ice on the lakes, and often times white clouds in the sky. I am already ready for spring. Maybe next year I will get Michelle plane tickets to a fun winter destination for Christmas.


Dawn Fine said...

Love your butterfly photos! I am seeing some butterflys here in Florida now...I really should try to photograph them..dont think my little point and shoot will take nice ones like yours...stay tuned..

Barbara said...

I so agree with you... I am ready for spring also. Love the vibrant colors that come with the season. Great colors in these pictures. Smiles B

Mary said...

Thanks...we need all the cheering we can get! I really like that second shot and it is a butterfly I didn't know.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing such colorful photos! Sometimes it is almost depressive to look in the window and see grey skies and leafless trees and white ground. I look forward for spring to come and watching colorful summer photos helps me a lot!

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos, with wonderful contrasts and textures.

I have given your site an award, and you can find it here.

Have a nice weekend...Lorri

Anonymous said...

Oops...wrong link, sorry.

Shelley said...

I was happy to see all your beautiful butterflies - the orange colors really fly out! So nice to see while I'm in 3 degree weather!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Smashing series of close ups. We hardly had any butterflies this year or bees.

Anonymous said...

Awesome butterfly photo! Love the color! Do you use a macro lens for those shots?

studio lolo said...

beautiful shots!
I live in Pacific Grove, Calif..knicknamed butterfly town because the Monarchs migrate here every October. We even have a big parade marking the event. Funny thing is, it's pretty chilly here. I have no idea why they find it so appealing :)